Specialty Units

The Jeffersonville Police Department hosts numerous officers who are part of Specialty Units. These officers carry out their regular police duties, like patrol and investigations, and also undergo specialized training for unique situations. Officers in our Specialty Units are highly skilled in various fields, including but not limited to Bike and River Patrol, School Resource Officers, K9, and S.W.A.T.

Our Teams

  • Bike Patrol

    When the weather heats up, you might notice some of our officers maintaining law and order from the seats of their bicycles. These officers have undergone special training and are often seen at city-wide events and parades. So, when you see them next, feel free to share a warm hello.

  • K9 Division

    At Jeffersonville Police Department, we have four devoted handler-K9 teams. Their diligence extends beyond typical duty hours, investing extra time in continual training. They share an inseparable bond, at work and home. Through extensive training, each K9 acquires diverse skills like drug and bomb detection, bite and takedown maneuvers, or scent tracking.

  • Honor Guard

    The Honor Guard of Jeffersonville Police Department comprises officers who have willingly stepped forward, been selected, and embraced the honor of joining this esteemed team. Training as a unit monthly, they attend numerous external assignments, presenting the colors while upholding the Jeffersonville Police Department's reputation with professionalism and honor.

  • River Patrol

    The Jeffersonville Police Department possesses a dedicated boat team ready to tackle river-related incidents. This specialty squad enforces aquatic regulations and safeguards those navigating the Ohio River. Their capabilities range from responding to boating mishaps and water-related fatalities to aiding in the search for missing individuals on the water.Description goes here